Orthodontic treatment plays a pivotal role in restoring proper teeth alignment and rectifying misaligned jaws, ensuring a healthier oral state. It not only enhances the aesthetics of your smile but also simplifies dental care, substantially improving oral hygiene once the orthodontic teeth alignment process is completed. For patients dealing with severe jaw misalignment issues, we recommend considering preventive orthodontics in addition to dentofacial orthopedic treatment to avert the necessity of future jaw surgeries.
Beyond merely straightening teeth, orthodontics offers a holistic approach, re-establishing the correct base and positioning for each tooth while also harmonizing jaw balance and supporting lip aesthetics. If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding orthodontic treatment, our specialized orthodontists are readily available to provide you with comprehensive information. Remember, it's never too late to enhance your dental health and achieve a radiant smile, regardless of your age.
Tooth extraction, while sometimes necessary, is regarded as the last resort at Dr. Dipti's Smile Suite in Faridabad. Our foremost priority is to explore minimally invasive alternatives in order to preserve the integrity of the tooth. In cases where tooth removal becomes the only viable option, we maintain open communication with parents, ensuring they fully comprehend the necessity for such a procedure. Tooth extraction may be warranted due to various reasons, including severe tooth decay, extensive damage that precludes restoration, or the need for space management in preparation for orthodontic treatment. Additionally, the extraction of primary teeth may be required if they do not naturally fall out before the eruption of permanent teeth, a condition known as over-retained primary teeth. We may also recommend extraction in cases of chipped or broken teeth resulting from dental trauma.
At Dr. Dipti's Smile Suite, our commitment is to provide the best dental care while prioritizing your oral health and overall well-being.