At Dr. Dipti's Smile Suite, we take pride in offering the best composite filling in Faridabad. Composite fillings are a versatile dental solution used to restore decayed teeth and enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Our dental clinic in Faridabad is committed to providing top-quality composite filling procedures to ensure the longevity, protection, and cosmetic improvement of your teeth.
Composite fillings are an excellent choice for various dental concerns, including decay, cracks, and fractures. These fillings are not only functional but also cosmetic, as they can change the color of your teeth and reshape any disfigured areas. Our skilled team of professionals specializes in using composite fillings to address a wide range of dental issues, ensuring that your teeth not only look great but also remain healthy.
We understand that dental health is not just about teeth; it also involves the overall aesthetics of your face and how your lips close. Our orthodontic treatments, in combination with composite fillings, can provide a comprehensive solution to enhance your smile. Orthodontic treatment not only straightens teeth but also restores proper tooth positioning, harmonizes jaw balance, and supports your lips' natural appearance. If you have any questions about orthodontic treatment, our specialist is here to provide you with the information you need. Remember, it's never too late to improve your dental health and achieve a beautiful smile.
One of the key advantages of choosing composite fillings at Dr. Dipti's Smile Suite is the efficiency of our procedures. When you visit our clinic, the damaged portion of your tooth will be expertly removed, ensuring that only the affected area is treated. We prioritize your comfort and safety by administering local anesthesia during the procedure. Additionally, we use a radiopaque calcium hydroxide layer as a base to protect and preserve your tooth before applying the composite filling. The final step involves the crucial light-curing process, which ensures the optimal bonding and durability of the restoration.
Composite fillings consist of a resilient blend of resin and ceramic powder, providing both strength and flexibility. Our dental experts will complete the composite filling process in just one visit. The decay is meticulously removed without affecting the healthy parts of your tooth. We then clean and prepare the cavity thoroughly before placing the new filling.
If the decay is located near the nerve, we take extra precautions by reinforcing the base with a layer of calcium hydroxide. The composite filling is precisely shaped and polished to restore your tooth to its natural form and function. At Dr. Dipti's Smile Suite, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care that enhances your oral health and gives you a confident, beautiful smile.